Sunday, April 8, 2012


I truly cannot believe what a blur these few weeks have been. My sisters Lydia and Jane are both getting married! Lydia, of course, is marrying a husband that no one really approves of. I mean, with Lydia being so selfish, how can she ever be in an equal relationship? And Wickham really is no better. That man thinks about nothing but his own needs every day. Their relationship will definitely be the dramatic side of the family. Possibly even the comic relief for goodness sake. But the real fairytale of course is the gorgeous Jane. She is going to be happily married to Mr. Bingley, and we are all just so happy for her! I cannot wait to watch them grow old together. They are so perfect for each other it hurts to look at them. Of course my mother is overjoyed. That silly old lady.

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