Sunday, April 8, 2012


aI never thought I would be able to marry someone this perfect for me. I know that it probably sounds like my mind is full of air and I need to snap back into reality, but I am really so happy right now. Lydia and Wickham continue to be the most annoying couple on the face of the earth, but we are all used to it now. I have three children; Henry, who is very athletic, Anna, who is dramatic and who relates very well to Miss Bingley, and Mark, who is sharp and bookish like me. My mother and father are as happy as they could ever be, and Jane and Bingley are as happy as clams in their estate. Kitty is growing into a mannered young woman, and Mary is as plain and cultured and wonderful as ever. As much as I hate myself for saying it, we are living our happily-ever-after.

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