Sunday, April 8, 2012


aI never thought I would be able to marry someone this perfect for me. I know that it probably sounds like my mind is full of air and I need to snap back into reality, but I am really so happy right now. Lydia and Wickham continue to be the most annoying couple on the face of the earth, but we are all used to it now. I have three children; Henry, who is very athletic, Anna, who is dramatic and who relates very well to Miss Bingley, and Mark, who is sharp and bookish like me. My mother and father are as happy as they could ever be, and Jane and Bingley are as happy as clams in their estate. Kitty is growing into a mannered young woman, and Mary is as plain and cultured and wonderful as ever. As much as I hate myself for saying it, we are living our happily-ever-after.

Mr. Collin's Letters

Mr. Collins is an absolutely awful man. Poor, poor Charlotte, if only she knew that he was trying to take away my happiness for his own gain. That stupid man wrote a few letters to my father warning him that I should NOT marry Mr. Darcy. Of course, my father wrote a letter right back to him putting him in his place after I had indeed confirmed that I loved Darcy, but it was still an awful occurrence. That man should be ashamed of himself. What a little prick.

Marriage to Darcy

I just got back from a walk with Mr. Darcy, and it was such a dream. We discussed so much. Our feelings, and just everything. I realized that he is not the stubborn and rude man that I set eyes on at the ball. He has changed; he has transformed for the better. And because of that, I want to spend my life with him. And so it will be.


I truly cannot believe what a blur these few weeks have been. My sisters Lydia and Jane are both getting married! Lydia, of course, is marrying a husband that no one really approves of. I mean, with Lydia being so selfish, how can she ever be in an equal relationship? And Wickham really is no better. That man thinks about nothing but his own needs every day. Their relationship will definitely be the dramatic side of the family. Possibly even the comic relief for goodness sake. But the real fairytale of course is the gorgeous Jane. She is going to be happily married to Mr. Bingley, and we are all just so happy for her! I cannot wait to watch them grow old together. They are so perfect for each other it hurts to look at them. Of course my mother is overjoyed. That silly old lady.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Not only am I angry at my sister, but truthfully, I am very worried for her too. When I got home, I learned that my father had gone to search for Lydie in London. Poor Father, he probably thinks this is so ridiculous. It is my mother that is a real wreck. She is so hysterical we could probably put her in a mental hospital just to get her off of our hands for a while. I know that sounds awful, but her extreme emotions are not helping this situation one bit. Darcy and I both blame ourselves for this, but I blame myself more than I blame him. He had the personal connection, and I didn't. I should have warned everyone (including Lydia) while I could.


Lydia eloped with Wickham!!! I am so angry at that girl! Does she know that she is on the verge of ruining the reputation of our entire family if she doesn't marry that man? I knew that Lydia was silly and shallow, but I never suspected that she could be this selfish. Jane received the letter that declared the news, and I can only imagine the awful reaction that my parents must have had. I have to hurry home as quickly as possible, and I must think of a way to explain my haste to the Gardiners. I am so angry and that disgusting Wickham and stupid Lydia!


I was invited by Darcy to meet his sister Georgiana, and I was surprised to find her mannerly and pretty. She reminded me of the intricate dress that the awful Miss Bingley was wearing- light and delicate and beautiful. Miss Bingley tried to criticize my sisters and I almost brought up Wickham. This would have surely torn Georgiana apart, and I am so glad I was able redirect the conversation. Miss Bingley needs a taste of her own medicine in my opinion.