Monday, March 12, 2012

The Proposal

This will be the second time a man who is completely ill-equipped to be my husband has proposed to me in my life. Why is it that I attract such lousy men? I would never think that a proposal of marriage could get any worse than what Collins is capable of, but oh, how wrong I was. Darcy ( yes, DARCY) proposed to me while at the exact same time offended me in every way possible. Who else in this world could tell a women he was in love with her, then continue on to verbally slap her in the face repeatedly? Of course, I wouldn't stand for any of this, so I fought him right back. What else was I supposed to do? Cower down like my sister Jane would and just take all of the insults? I don't think so. I am so angry at that ridiculous liar.

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